Why Your Brand Needs a Podcast & How to Start One

Digital marketing never stops evolving, making brands continually seeking innovative ways to connect with their audiences. One such avenue that gained momentum in recent years is podcasting. This dynamic yet intimate medium offers brands a unique opportunity to engage with their target demographic, build brand awareness, establish thought leadership, and even boost revenues.

In this piece, we'll talk about how your business might profit from podcasting and build another bridge towards your audience.

Why Your Brand Needs a Podcast (Or At Least Consider It)

Podcasting has transcended its initial reputation as a niche form of content consumption, becoming a mainstream platform for information and entertainment. The power of podcasting for brands lies in its ability to forge a personal connection with audiences. Unlike written content, podcasts enable brands to communicate directly with listeners, leveraging the emotive quality of voice and the art of storytelling.

What's more, podcasts can be consumed in the background, that's why people often opt for this content instead of the written word or videos. Podcasts offer unparalleled accessibility. With the rise of smartphones and the ubiquity of streaming platforms, listeners can engage with podcasts while commuting, exercising, or performing household chores. This flexibility makes podcasts a constant companion in people's daily lives, presenting brands with an opportunity to seamlessly integrate into their audience's routine.

How a Brand Starts Podcasting in 2023

It's not that difficult if you set it right. Here's a check list to make podcasting a profitable marketing asset.

🟣 Set Clear Objectives

Before embarking on a podcasting journey, determine what you want to achieve with it. What does the brand hope to seek through podcasting? Is the focus on increasing brand awareness, positioning the brand as a thought leader in the industry, or fostering a sense of community among its audience?

Understanding these goals not only shapes the content and tone of the podcast but also provides a framework for measuring success. Whether the aim is to attract new customers, deepen relationships with existing ones, or establish authority in a particular niche, setting clear objectives ensures that the podcast aligns with the broader marketing strategy.

💡We in Combin have been using podcasts for several years now, and our main goal is to create buzz around our products and build thought leadership by interviewing industry experts.

🟣 Understand Your Audience

Oh this old but gold rule to know who your target personas are. A successful podcast hinges on its resonance with the intended audience, so invest time in understanding the demographics, preferences, and habits of your target listeners. Researching audience behaviour and preferences is key to tailoring content that not only captures attention but also fosters loyalty.

By delving into consumer insights, you can uncover the topics that resonate most with your audience (who will more likely to become your buyers). Are they seeking industry insights, practical tips, or entertaining narratives? Armed with this knowledge, you will create content that adds genuine value to the listener's experience, forging a deeper connection between the brand and its audience.

🟣 Plan Your Podcast

Planning is the cornerstone of a successful podcasting strategy. It involves defining the overarching theme of the podcast, determining the format of each episode, and establishing a consistent publishing schedule. Consider whether your show will be interview-based, narrative-driven, or a mix of both.

A content plan is equally essential. This roadmap should outline the topics to be covered in each episode, ensuring a diverse yet cohesive range of content. The key is to strike a balance between evergreen content and timely, relevant discussions, creating a podcast that remains both timeless and current.

🟣 Brand Your Podcast

Branding goes beyond your logo and extends to the entire podcast experience. Start with eye-catching podcast artwork that communicates your brand identity at a glance. Consistency is key, so ensure that your podcast intro, outro, and overall presentation align with your brand's tone and messaging.

Think of your podcast as an extension of your brand—a unique opportunity to showcase its personality. Whether your brand is known for its humour, expertise, or authenticity, let these traits shine through in your podcast. This consistency reinforces your brand image and aids in creating a memorable, recognisable presence in the podcasting landscape.

🟣 Host & Distribute Your Podcast

Choosing the right podcast hosting platform is a critical decision. The hosting platform not only stores your podcast files but also facilitates distribution to major podcast directories. Platforms like Castos, Podbean, and Spotify for Podcasters (formerly Anchor) offer varying features, so select one that aligns with your brand's needs and budget.

Once your hosting is in place, configure your podcast's RSS feed. This feed is the mechanism that allows podcast directories like Apple Podcasts or Spotify to showcase your episodes.

💡Tip: Follow the submission guidelines for each directory to ensure seamless integration and maximum visibility.

🟣 Create Compelling Content

Content is the heart of your podcast, and creating captivating, valuable episodes is important. You can achieve that by incorporating storytelling, interviews with industry experts, and discussions on current trends but tailor your content to meet the needs and interests of your target audience.

The key is to strike a balance between providing educational content and infusing entertainment value. Your podcast should be an enjoyable experience for listeners, prompting them to return for more. Regularly revisit your content plan to ensure that it remains relevant and engaging

💡Tip: Look at trends within your industry. If many of your competitors or peers have successful podcasts, it might indicate that your audience is receptive to this form of content.

🟣 Promote Your Podcast

Even the most exceptional podcasts need promotion to reach their full potential. Leverage your existing marketing channels, including social media, email newsletters, and your brand's website, to promote each episode. Create teaser content to generate excitement before an episode's release and follow up with behind-the-scenes insights afterward.

💡Tip: Evaluate other channels and mediums that might be more effective for your brand. If your audience prefers video content, for example, a YouTube channel might be a better fit.

Encourage your listeners to share episodes with their networks and leave reviews. Word-of-mouth remains a powerful marketing tool, and positive reviews can significantly boost your podcast's visibility. Collaborate with influencers or other brands in your industry to expand your reach and tap into new audiences.

🟣 Measure Success

Measuring the success of your podcast involves tracking key performance indicators (KPIs). Analyse download numbers, listener demographics, and engagement metrics to gauge the impact of your podcast.

💡Tip: Pay attention to listener feedback, as it often provides valuable insights into what is resonating with your audience.

Flexibility is crucial in podcasting. Be prepared to adapt your content based on listener preferences and evolving industry trends and regularly revisit your podcasting goals and KPIs to ensure that your strategy remains aligned with your brand's broader objectives.

🟣 Monetisation Opportunities

This is a next-level goal. As your podcast gains traction and builds a loyal audience,  start exploring monetisation opportunities. While this may not be the primary goal for every brand, it's essential to understand the potential avenues for generating revenue through your podcast.

Sponsorships and advertisements are common monetisation strategies. Brands relevant to your industry may be interested in reaching your audience through sponsored segments. Additionally, affiliate marketing, premium content subscriptions, or even exclusive merchandise can contribute to the financial success of your podcast

Essential Equipment to Start Podcasting in 2024

With objectives in place and a clear understanding of the target audience, the next step is to equip your brand for podcasting success. A key consideration is investing in the right podcasting equipment. While entry-level setups can include a quality USB microphone and free podcast recording software, more advanced configurations might involve an XLR microphone, audio interface, acoustic treatment, pop filters, and professional editing software.

The goal is to ensure that your podcast delivers a clear, professional sound. Podcast listeners are discerning, and investing in quality equipment reflects your commitment to delivering an exceptional listening experience.

How Can a Podcast Help Your Brand

Podcasting can benefit a brand in several ways, providing a unique platform for communication and engagement. Here's how.

  • Brand awareness: Podcasting allows you to reach a broader audience and increase brand visibility. Regularly producing valuable and interesting content can make your brand more memorable.
  • Thought leadership: A podcast provides a platform for your brand to showcase expertise and thought leadership within your industry. Sharing insights, analysis, and discussing industry trends can position your brand as an authority.
  • Audience engagement: Podcasting creates a more personal connection with your audience. Hearing the voices of the hosts can make the brand feel more human, fostering a sense of connection and engagement.
  • Community building: Your brand show can help build a community around your brand. Encouraging listener interaction, featuring guests, and responding to feedback can create a sense of belonging among your audience.
  • Multichannel presence: Podcasts provide an additional channel through which your brand can reach its audience. Integrating podcast content with other marketing channels can reinforce your brand message.
  • SEO benefits: Podcast episodes can contribute to your brand's online presence and search engine optimization (SEO). Transcribing episodes, using relevant keywords, and including show notes can enhance discoverability.
  • Product/service promotion: Podcasts offer a subtle way to promote your products or services. Integrating promotions naturally within the content or through sponsorships can be more engaging than traditional advertising.
  • Ad revenue and monetisation: Once established, podcasts can generate revenue through sponsorships, advertisements, or partnerships. This can contribute to the overall financial health of the brand.

Podcasting isn't a one-size-fits-all endeavour. Tailor your approach to align with your brand's unique voice, values, and goals. As you navigate the podcasting landscape, remember that success may not be instantaneous. Patience, coupled with a continuous commitment to improvement, will contribute to the longevity and impact of your brand's podcast.