To all Combin customers who work with sounds — DJs, sound producers, musicians — or just to those who can’t live without music, we’re happy to introduce a new audio removal The service is available online and completely free of charge. uses AI and machine learning algorithms to extract voices and backtracks from any song, podcast, movie, or any other audio file. And all these with the unprecedented sound quality!
Check it yourself if in doubt: just visit the website and upload any audio you want to isolate sounds from. The service supports all audio files formats. You don’t need to worry about the output quality, either: the extracted vocals and instrumental tracks will have the same sound properties as the source files.

To make sure the quality of removed tracks remains unprecedented, the developers have used 45 million neural network parameters and 20TB training data. Check their latest Spleeter comparison test to learn more about the service.
With, you can create covers, extract karaoke backtracks, make DJ sets, mixes, beats, use the removed tracks for your Instagram videos, stories and even remove lines from movies to lip-sync on TikTok!
Try out the outstanding functionality of the audio splitter for free now!