Our Instagram managing solutions Combin Growth and Combin Scheduler are great helpers to social media managers, brands, influencers and businesses that want to run their Instagram accounts professionally and get the most out of them.
Instagram growing tool Combin Growth will assist in increasing your followers, likes, searching for a target audience, relevant influencers and attracting your competitors’ audience.
Combin Scheduler, a free Instagram content planning solution, will easily plan and publish Instagram posts and stories for you.
But that’s not all both of the tools can do. Check this article to see which cool features you have been probably missing up to this day.
Combin Growth
Advanced Instagram Search
Combin Growth allows you to find interesting profiles and publications by using and combining different search queries. Run searches by hashtags, locations, specific account’s following, followers, likers and commenters, bio, posts of a user, and even find lists of multiple users.

You can select one of the search criteria above or combine several ones to get the most targeted results as you possibly can.

Mass Story Viewing
The tool allows you to view Instagram Stories of your target audience en masse to attract more new visitors to your profile and increase the number of followers. Using this feature, your Instagram account will appear in the viewer lists of hundreds of Instagram accounts with the automatic Stories mass looking functionality.

Note that you won’t actually see users’ stories, but rather be in their viewers’ lists.
Narrow Audience Targeting
Specify the following and followers quantity, select male or female gender, and pick from a variety of languages the preferred ones. Define the target audience with precision using the demographic filters. Instagram inner functionality doesn’t let you narrow your search queries that deep.
Machine Learning User Analysis
Combin Growth identifies low-quality accounts using breakthrough technology. The functionality allows you to eliminate pointless engagement and save the limited quantity of daily available actions for following, liking and commenting, to spend it on real, genuinely interested Instagram users.
Unfollowing Users Who Don’t Follow You Back
With Combin Growth, you can track the list of your Instagram followers and see who doesn’t mutually follow your Instagram account. Then select some or all profiles that are no longer interested in your account and set an automatic task for unfollowing them in batch. Let the application take care of the unfollowers, freeing your time for the engagement of new potential followers.

Combin Scheduler
Repost on Instagram
Instagram reposting, also known as regramming, is a function that the native Instagram app lacks. Luckily, Combin Scheduler allows you to regram Instagram content in just a couple of seconds. All you have to do is to copy the Instagram post URL and paste it within the Combin Scheduler app.

Once you do it, you can edit or delete the post’s caption, hashtags, tag other users, add a link to be posted to your Instagram account bio together with the publication and more.
Automatic Stories Publishing
Upload one or multiple images, select a publishing date and you are good to go. No annoying reminders to post, Combin Scheduler does all publishing for you.
Other scheduling tools do not allow you to post stories, only send you reminders to manually do so. Combin Scheduler will automatically post them for you.
Link In Bio
With Combin Scheduler, you can update your bio link each time you schedule a new post or story for publication. When planning a new content piece, just add a required link into the specific field, and the link will automatically appear in your Instagram profile bio as soon as the post or story goes live.
Install the Combin solutions now! Available for Windows, macOS and Ubuntu.